Raking my hands through shells in Iceland. Delirious with pleasure.
“There is no way to repress pleasure and expect liberation, satisfaction, or joy.”
― Adrienne Maree Brown
I recently returned from an amazing trip to an extraordinary place. My husband and I spent a week in Iceland. It never got dark, ever, the humans were kind and soft, the landscape was both gentle and wild, unlike anywhere I've ever been. We were surprised and in awe, minds blown again and again and again. And we were alone, together. That in and of itself was a miracle.
And while we were there, I couldn't quite unhook myself from what's happening here; the dentention centers, the families contuining to suffer and be separated, the families not yet reunited. Happening here, in my country.
And while I raked my hand through shells and revelled in their texture, pet moss covered lava rocks, smelled the fresh sea air, listened to bird calls I've never heard, drank in more wildflowers than I've ever seen, and saw the midnight sun set upon the mountains under a freaking rainbow- so many, everywhere, were suffering. Are suffering. How can I possibly reconcile the two? I cannot.
But what I am learning, is that the more stressed out and distressed I am, the more likely I am to collapse. To not show up and make the calls and donations and write the postcards and sign the petitions. The More likely I am to fall into a pit of hopelessness at how our country values money and power over human life.
So what can I do? I can soak in pleasure. I can bathe in my senses. I can do the things that resource me so I have the energy to do the work. Forgive me preaching to the choir, but as you know, our society and culture has entrained us to believe pleasure comes from buying, consuming, accomplisthing, etc...The birthright of our sense pleasures don't increase the stock market, or lead to more economic stability for the good old U S of A. Nope. The are simply available to us. Always. And when we treasure them as the gift they are, then we are rich. When we feel rich, we are generous. When we are generous, the whole damn world benefits.
So this week we danced pleasure. Not pleasure despite the pin. Not pleasure instead of pain, just also, pleasure. But clothing brushing against skin, blood flowing and muscles working, hair brushing against forhead, deep enjoyment of music and of each other. The pleasure of the miracle of having a body, no matter how it looks from the inside, the pelasure of moving ourself from the inside out.
This kind of pleasure leads to fuel, to energy, to inhabiting this planet in a conscious, healthy way, because our bucket is full.
Your invitation this week is to play with sensory pleasure. The sounds, sights, smells, tastes and touch you enjoy- to slow down enough to enjoy it. To receive it. To let it all the way in. And then notice how your interactions and energy feels....
And enjoy.